"In viata nu e important sa ai carti bune, ci sa le joci bine pe cele pe care le ai."(Josh Billings)
"Mi se pare ca oamenii au un potential foarte vast. Oamenii pot face lucruri extraordinare daca au curajul sa-si asume anumite riscuri. Totusi cei mai multi nu o fac. Raman nehotarati ca si cum viata ar fi vesnica."(Philip Adams)
"Multi dintre cei ce esueaza in viata sunt persoane care nu au realizat cat de aproape au fost de succes in momentul cand au renuntat. "(Thomas A. Edison)
"Instruirea mintii este la fel de necesara ca hrana pentru corp."(Marcus Tullius Cicero)
"Daca nu iti place un lucru, schimba-l. Daca nu poti sa-l schimbi, schimba-ti atitudinea. Nu te plange."(Maya Angelou)
"Acest pas - alegerea unui tel si hotararea de a nu-l schimba - schimba totul."(Scott Reed)
"Obstacolele sunt acele lucruri groaznice pe care le vezi cand iti iei ochii de la telul tau."(Henry Ford)
"Fiecare este arhitectul propriului viitor."(Appius Claudius)
"Mama mea facea o distinctie clara intre realizare si succes. Spunea ca "realizarea este datorata cunostintelor invatate si muncii si faptului ca ai dat tot ce era mai bun in tine. Succesul este ca o recompensa din partea altora, si este placut, dar nu la fel de important sau satisfacator. Intotdeauna sa incerci sa te realizezi si sa uiti de succes."(Helen Hayes)
"Succesul reprezinta abilitatea de a trece de la un esec la altul fara sa iti pierzi entuziasmul."(Sir Winston Churchill)
"Construieste-ti in minte o imagine a reusitei tale. Pastreaza aceasta imagine cu tenacitate, nu ii permite sa dispara. Mintea ta va cauta modalitati de a dezvolta aceasta imagine ... Si nu-ti imagina nici un fel de obstacole."(Norman Vincent Peale)
"Radacinile adevaratei realizari se afla in dorinta de a deveni cel mai bun."(Harold Taylor)
"Chiar si cea mai inteleapta minte mai are ceva de invatat."(George Santayana)
"Nu exista scurtaturi catre locuri in care merita sa ajungi."(Anonim)
"Oamenii nu sunt prizonierii destinului, ci mai degraba prizonieri ai propriei minti."(Franklin D. Roosevelt)
"Poti spune daca o un om e istet dupa raspunsurile pe care le da. Poti spune daca un om este intelept dupa intrebarile pe care le pune."(Naguib Mahfouz - Nobel Prize Winner)
"Capacitatile se dezvolta si se arata din ce in ce mai mult cu fiecare sarcina noua primita."(Baltasar Gracian)
"Daca nu stii in ce port vrei sa ajungi, nici un vant nu este favorabil."(Seneca)
"Intotdeauna este prea devreme sa renunti."(Norman Vincent Peale)
"Incearca nu sa fii un succes, ci sa fii o valoare."(Albert Einstein)
"Indoielile noastre sunt tradatori si ne fac sa pierdem lucrurile bune pe care le-am putea castiga din cauza fricii de a incerca."(William Shakespeare)
"Nu trai in trecut, nu visa la viitor, concentreaza-ti toate eforturile in prezent."(Buddha)
"Vei obtine totul de la ceilalti daca vei da totul din tine."(Harry Firestone)
"Munca grea dezvaluie caracterul oamenilor: unii isi intorc manecile, altii intorc nasul si altii nu se mai intorc deloc."(Sam Ewig)
joi, 24 iulie 2008
miercuri, 23 iulie 2008
Letter to myself (and to the rest of the world) by Aangel
Dear Aangel,
I want you to know that i miss the real you, the happy you, i miss the way your beautiful smile used to bring joy to every person that was lucky enough to know it...
I also want you to know that no matter what people tell you, you really are beautiful, inside and outside!
You have a wonderful soul and a very warm and loving heart, you are such a good person and you deserve all the love in the world... You deserve to be treated like the angel that you are and if the people you meet don't realize this, than they're not worthy of your time and of your feelings!
You are a miracle, your whole life is a miracle, your story is impressing and you really should appreciate all that happened to you and you should be happy that you are here today!
You should be grateful you have such a wonderful family even though it isn't perfect...
You should be thankful for all the great friends you have...they aren't many in number but you can be sure they are your true friends, they are the ones you help, the ones you care for and the ones you are there for but they also are the ones who help you and the ones who are there for you no matter what...
You shouldn't be sad or angry because you have problems, we all have them but always remember that the problems, the pain and the sorrow are the ones that made you the person you are now... These are the things that made you stronger, these are your other friends and you shouldn't be mad at them, you should thank them for making you the woman you are today!
You should always remember that you aren't perfect, nobody is, we are all humans and we all make mistakes so don't punish yourself for your mistakes, just try to make things better because even if you don't succeed, at least you'll be in peace with yourself knowing you tried hard enough to repair the damage you made!
In the end, i wish the best to you and to all the ones who are gonna spend a little of their time reading this letter!
I want you to know that i miss the real you, the happy you, i miss the way your beautiful smile used to bring joy to every person that was lucky enough to know it...
I also want you to know that no matter what people tell you, you really are beautiful, inside and outside!
You have a wonderful soul and a very warm and loving heart, you are such a good person and you deserve all the love in the world... You deserve to be treated like the angel that you are and if the people you meet don't realize this, than they're not worthy of your time and of your feelings!
You are a miracle, your whole life is a miracle, your story is impressing and you really should appreciate all that happened to you and you should be happy that you are here today!
You should be grateful you have such a wonderful family even though it isn't perfect...
You should be thankful for all the great friends you have...they aren't many in number but you can be sure they are your true friends, they are the ones you help, the ones you care for and the ones you are there for but they also are the ones who help you and the ones who are there for you no matter what...
You shouldn't be sad or angry because you have problems, we all have them but always remember that the problems, the pain and the sorrow are the ones that made you the person you are now... These are the things that made you stronger, these are your other friends and you shouldn't be mad at them, you should thank them for making you the woman you are today!
You should always remember that you aren't perfect, nobody is, we are all humans and we all make mistakes so don't punish yourself for your mistakes, just try to make things better because even if you don't succeed, at least you'll be in peace with yourself knowing you tried hard enough to repair the damage you made!
In the end, i wish the best to you and to all the ones who are gonna spend a little of their time reading this letter!
duminică, 20 iulie 2008
Afraid by Aangel
She loves him like she never loved anyone before, he made her feel things she never felt until she met him and the fact that they see each other so rarely hurts her deeply and makes her miss him very much...
She understands he is busy but at least once in a while he could let her know that he's ok and that he still loves her as much as he loves him...
She is very sad when she calls him and he doesn't answer, his lack of response makes her cry... she's afraid she'll lose him, she's afraid she'll never feel the warmth of his embrace again, she's afraid she'll never feel his lips next to hers... She loves him so much that he is the only person in this world for whom she'd do anything, she'd even give her life for him, he is the only man she wants to live with till her dieing day but now she's afraid that everything is falling apart and there's nothing she can do to stop that...
She understands he is busy but at least once in a while he could let her know that he's ok and that he still loves her as much as he loves him...
She is very sad when she calls him and he doesn't answer, his lack of response makes her cry... she's afraid she'll lose him, she's afraid she'll never feel the warmth of his embrace again, she's afraid she'll never feel his lips next to hers... She loves him so much that he is the only person in this world for whom she'd do anything, she'd even give her life for him, he is the only man she wants to live with till her dieing day but now she's afraid that everything is falling apart and there's nothing she can do to stop that...
vineri, 18 iulie 2008
Black and white rainbow by Aangel
She loves him so much...he is the first man that made her think about the kids they'd have, about the live they'd live together...he is the first man that made her think about a lifetime spent together...
She wants to share her life with him but she is afraid he doesn't feel the same... he is the only man that succeeded in making her think about the day she'd say "I do" with all her heart...
She is so anxious to spend every second, every day, every year of her life with him but now she's afraid that everything is falling apart... he isn't there for her when she needs him most, he's always busy and even though she tries to understand him she can't...
She knows he has a very difficult job but she can't understand the fact that he is to busy for her, his job is taking him away from her and that hurts her very much... if they go on like this, she's afraid that he'll never be there, if he is so busy, he won't even see his children grow...
She is forced to deal with everything alone... When she met him, she felt that he'll be a support for her but unfortunatly he isn't, he is not how she hoped he'd be, he isn't the man she thought he is when they got together... He's an imperfect man even though in her eyes he was perfect at the beginning but she is willing to keep on loving him as he is because she realized she can't live without him...
She wants to share her life with him but she is afraid he doesn't feel the same... he is the only man that succeeded in making her think about the day she'd say "I do" with all her heart...
She is so anxious to spend every second, every day, every year of her life with him but now she's afraid that everything is falling apart... he isn't there for her when she needs him most, he's always busy and even though she tries to understand him she can't...
She knows he has a very difficult job but she can't understand the fact that he is to busy for her, his job is taking him away from her and that hurts her very much... if they go on like this, she's afraid that he'll never be there, if he is so busy, he won't even see his children grow...
She is forced to deal with everything alone... When she met him, she felt that he'll be a support for her but unfortunatly he isn't, he is not how she hoped he'd be, he isn't the man she thought he is when they got together... He's an imperfect man even though in her eyes he was perfect at the beginning but she is willing to keep on loving him as he is because she realized she can't live without him...
luni, 7 iulie 2008
Femei, sunshine, life....and other stuff in Aangel's view
Lady Jocelyn: http://bucurenci.ro/2008/06/elogiu-femeilor-adevarate/
just Aangel: ce nice si profund e articolul cu femeile
Lady Jocelyn: mda...mai bine zis ce viziune distorsionata are
Lady Jocelyn: "Aşa că ne luăm tandreţea şi o băgăm la loc în buzunar, o punem bine pentru cele care vor şti s-o aprecieze: femeile după care plângem la al treilea pahar, cele după care alergăm în pas de pudel printre maşinile oprite la semafor, femeile care ne fac din vorbe şi care rareori ne mai fac şi altceva. Iubitele noastre, dragele noastre, nebunaticele noastre fixaţii. Zânele, nimfele, prinţesele. Imaculatele fecioare."
Lady Jocelyn: why can't i be both?
Lady Jocelyn: pe mine ma iubeste si plange cu si pt mine si i still f**k his brains out
Lady Jocelyn: stie tot ce'am facut si cat de departe sunt d a fi o"imaculata fecioara"
Lady Jocelyn: si nu zic ca nu'l deranjeaza
Lady Jocelyn: poate ca m'ar iubi mai mult daca n'ar fi fost restu' tipilor
Lady Jocelyn: da' tot ma iubeste
Lady Jocelyn: deci se poate sa iubesti o femeie, sa fie toate alea si sa ti'o si traga ca o profi
just Aangel: eu ma abtin de la comentarii
Lady Jocelyn: de ce?
Lady Jocelyn ca esti in aceeasi situatie ca mine
just Aangel: nu draga
just Aangel: i'm not
Lady Jocelyn: draga, te iubeste si u f**k his brains out
Lady Jocelyn: what am i missin'?
just Aangel: eu nu'mi permit sa vorbesc de iubire
just Aangel: not yet
just Aangel: si poate ca not ever
just Aangel: iubirea adevarata vine mult prea rar
just Aangel: si ma indoiesc ca am simtit'o sau ca o voi simti vreodata
just Aangel: its just the way i see things now
Lady Jocelyn: draga
Lady Jocelyn: da' unde'i happinessu ala ce il simteam eu in tine?
just Aangel: i really don't know
just Aangel: i guess it passed away
just Aangel: k orice elan adolescentin intarziat
Lady Jocelyn: u r makin me sad
just Aangel: de ce?
just Aangel: u have no reason 2 be sad
just Aangel: neither have i
just Aangel: im just being real
Lady Jocelyn: i dont wanna be real
Lady Jocelyn: nu vreau sa vad ca nu ne potrivim
Lady Jocelyn: vreau sa fiu cu el si sa fie totu' sunshine&roses
Lady Jocelyn: si chiar daca nu e
Lady Jocelyn: tot vreau sa fiu cu el
Lady Jocelyn: am momente in care sunt atat de sigura ca il iubesc
Lady Jocelyn: si momente in care habar n'am de nimic
just Aangel: draga that's cuz
just Aangel: nici u nu stii ce'i that real love de care ziceam eu mai inainte
just Aangel: and if u wanna have all that sunshine&roses u have 2 be real
Lady Jocelyn: poate k nu e the love of my life
Lady Jocelyn: da' intr'un fel sau altu'
just Aangel: there is no "love of one's life"
just Aangel: that's just crap people made up
just Aangel: 2 be happy with the shitty lifes they have
Lady Jocelyn: who r u and what have u done 2 aangel?
just Aangel: i'm the one u (the others) created
Lady Jocelyn: u're startin' 2 freak me out
just Aangel: why?
Lady Jocelyn: ca nu gandeai asa pana acum
just Aangel: draga nu gandeam asa
just Aangel: dar uite ca the stuff i lived, read and wrote about made me think this way
just Aangel: the people i meet
just Aangel: the people i used 2 know,the ones that used 2 care 4 me
just Aangel: and the ones that used 2 want 2see me down
Lady Jocelyn: off
Lady Jocelyn: what am i gonna do with u?
Lady Jocelyn: sau d fapt what r u gonna do with me
Lady Jocelyn: ca u r the realistic one
just Aangel: draga im not tryin 2 change u
just Aangel: or your views
Lady Jocelyn: draga i know
just Aangel: i just want u 2 know that behind all that sunshine there is a real life
just Aangel: that is usually full of clouds and rain
Lady Jocelyn: draga i haven't seen the sunshine in a looong time
just Aangel: draga the sunshine's there
just Aangel: in everyone of us
just Aangel: u just have 2 know how 2 look 4it,how 2 see it
just Aangel: we all need to learn how 2 find our own personal little sunshine in order 2 survive every rainy day in our lifes
just Aangel: ce nice si profund e articolul cu femeile
Lady Jocelyn: mda...mai bine zis ce viziune distorsionata are
Lady Jocelyn: "Aşa că ne luăm tandreţea şi o băgăm la loc în buzunar, o punem bine pentru cele care vor şti s-o aprecieze: femeile după care plângem la al treilea pahar, cele după care alergăm în pas de pudel printre maşinile oprite la semafor, femeile care ne fac din vorbe şi care rareori ne mai fac şi altceva. Iubitele noastre, dragele noastre, nebunaticele noastre fixaţii. Zânele, nimfele, prinţesele. Imaculatele fecioare."
Lady Jocelyn: why can't i be both?
Lady Jocelyn: pe mine ma iubeste si plange cu si pt mine si i still f**k his brains out
Lady Jocelyn: stie tot ce'am facut si cat de departe sunt d a fi o"imaculata fecioara"
Lady Jocelyn: si nu zic ca nu'l deranjeaza
Lady Jocelyn: poate ca m'ar iubi mai mult daca n'ar fi fost restu' tipilor
Lady Jocelyn: da' tot ma iubeste
Lady Jocelyn: deci se poate sa iubesti o femeie, sa fie toate alea si sa ti'o si traga ca o profi
just Aangel: eu ma abtin de la comentarii
Lady Jocelyn: de ce?
Lady Jocelyn ca esti in aceeasi situatie ca mine
just Aangel: nu draga
just Aangel: i'm not
Lady Jocelyn: draga, te iubeste si u f**k his brains out
Lady Jocelyn: what am i missin'?
just Aangel: eu nu'mi permit sa vorbesc de iubire
just Aangel: not yet
just Aangel: si poate ca not ever
just Aangel: iubirea adevarata vine mult prea rar
just Aangel: si ma indoiesc ca am simtit'o sau ca o voi simti vreodata
just Aangel: its just the way i see things now
Lady Jocelyn: draga
Lady Jocelyn: da' unde'i happinessu ala ce il simteam eu in tine?
just Aangel: i really don't know
just Aangel: i guess it passed away
just Aangel: k orice elan adolescentin intarziat
Lady Jocelyn: u r makin me sad
just Aangel: de ce?
just Aangel: u have no reason 2 be sad
just Aangel: neither have i
just Aangel: im just being real
Lady Jocelyn: i dont wanna be real
Lady Jocelyn: nu vreau sa vad ca nu ne potrivim
Lady Jocelyn: vreau sa fiu cu el si sa fie totu' sunshine&roses
Lady Jocelyn: si chiar daca nu e
Lady Jocelyn: tot vreau sa fiu cu el
Lady Jocelyn: am momente in care sunt atat de sigura ca il iubesc
Lady Jocelyn: si momente in care habar n'am de nimic
just Aangel: draga that's cuz
just Aangel: nici u nu stii ce'i that real love de care ziceam eu mai inainte
just Aangel: and if u wanna have all that sunshine&roses u have 2 be real
Lady Jocelyn: poate k nu e the love of my life
Lady Jocelyn: da' intr'un fel sau altu'
just Aangel: there is no "love of one's life"
just Aangel: that's just crap people made up
just Aangel: 2 be happy with the shitty lifes they have
Lady Jocelyn: who r u and what have u done 2 aangel?
just Aangel: i'm the one u (the others) created
Lady Jocelyn: u're startin' 2 freak me out
just Aangel: why?
Lady Jocelyn: ca nu gandeai asa pana acum
just Aangel: draga nu gandeam asa
just Aangel: dar uite ca the stuff i lived, read and wrote about made me think this way
just Aangel: the people i meet
just Aangel: the people i used 2 know,the ones that used 2 care 4 me
just Aangel: and the ones that used 2 want 2see me down
Lady Jocelyn: off
Lady Jocelyn: what am i gonna do with u?
Lady Jocelyn: sau d fapt what r u gonna do with me
Lady Jocelyn: ca u r the realistic one
just Aangel: draga im not tryin 2 change u
just Aangel: or your views
Lady Jocelyn: draga i know
just Aangel: i just want u 2 know that behind all that sunshine there is a real life
just Aangel: that is usually full of clouds and rain
Lady Jocelyn: draga i haven't seen the sunshine in a looong time
just Aangel: draga the sunshine's there
just Aangel: in everyone of us
just Aangel: u just have 2 know how 2 look 4it,how 2 see it
just Aangel: we all need to learn how 2 find our own personal little sunshine in order 2 survive every rainy day in our lifes
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