vineri, 25 ianuarie 2008

"Absence from whom we love is worse than death, and frustrate hope severer than despair"
("Absenta e-n amor mai rea ca moartea, speranta-n van - mai rea ca deznadejdea")

"I shall despair. There is no creature loves me. and if I die, no soul will pity me. Nay, wherefore should they, since that I myself find in myself no pity to myself?"
("Pieri-voi, caci nu ma iubeste nimeni, si daca mor, nu ma va plange nimeni. Si de ce ar plange, daca nici chiar eu, in mine, pentru mine, n-aflu mila?")

"It is strange - but true for truth is always strange, stranger than fiction"
("E ciudat, dar adevarat - caci adevarul este intotdeauna ciudat, mai ciudat decat fictiunea")

"I sit beside my lonley fire,/And pray for wisdom yet/For calmness to remember/Or courage to forget."
("La gura sobei mele, minte/Mai cer in ruga mea/Calm,spre-a-mi aduce-aminte,/Curaj spre a uita")

"Fortune knows we scorn her most/When most she offers blows"
("Destinul stie ca-l dispretuim cel mai mult/Atunci cand da cele mai multe lovituri")

(Hanny Alders - Amurgul templierilor)

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