sâmbătă, 26 iunie 2010

For him... by Aangel

I miss the part of me you used to be... I miss you so much, all I wanna do is see you, I think about you every day, I dream about you every night... I still love you so much!
All the memories I have with you mean the world to me, I still feel your touch night by night when I go to bed, I still feel your scent on my pillow, I still feel your embrace through the night...
There is not one day that passes by without thinking about you... Every time I remember you, I think about you with love, I cherish all the time we had together and I really want to know that you are fine, healthy and happy...
Today, more than usual, I wish you to be very happy, to have and to feel at least as much love as I feel for you, I wish you to have everything you need and desire... but most of all I wish you'd think about me from time to time and know, feel, somewhere in your soul that all my feelings for you are and will always be real!
So... H.B. my beloved F.R. :)

Forever young

luni, 14 iunie 2010


" - Chura, cu ce seamana povestile?
- Ele sunt ca formele luminoase ale diferitelor culori, dupa cum sunt batrane sau tinere, trecatoare sau durabile. Uneori le poarta pasarile, alteori, frunzele moarte. Uneori calatoresc simplu in zgomotul vantului, si zboara deasupra satelor. Toate ne cauta compania. Cand una dintre ele descopera un om care-i place, vine sa se aseze pe umarul lui si incearca sa-l seduca. Omul o goneste - sau o asculta. Daca o alunga, povestea se nelinisteste. Pleaca, rataceste dintr-un loc in altul, nu stie unde sa se duca, e in pericol sa se piarda. Daca o asculta, omul crede ca inventeaza sa ca isi amintteste el insusi ceva. De fapt, povestea vorbeste prin gura lui. Cand a terminat, lasa o urma in el - cum toate fiintele care i-au traversat drumul au facut-o inaintea lor, si zboara spre alte sate. Povestile au nevoie de noi pentru a trai. Fara forta pe care le-o dam, ar disparea in cer ca fumul."

(Henri Gougaud - Cele sapte pene ale vulturului)