vineri, 4 noiembrie 2011

Vama - Copilul care alearga catre mare

I just love it... atat melodia cat si clipul sunt supeeeeerbe :X
Piesa se poate downloada de pe pagina de facebook a trupei Vama :)
Enjoy it!

luni, 31 octombrie 2011

Thought of the day... by Aangel

When you give so much of yourself to someone they stop appreciating you, they stop caring and that is when everything falls apart. When you give everything of yourself to someone they take you for granted, they stop being there for you because they know you always are, they stop letting you know how important you are to them and sometimes they even forget that, they don't realize it until it's too late. Because of that you get to a point where you stop appreciating yourself, you stop loving yourself and you become unable to love others. You don't need to be a self-centered person, you just need to learn how to love yourself and how to stop seeing yourself based on how others see you or at least how you think they do. In order to grow you have to keep giving the best of you to the people you care about even though they sometimes forget how to show you they care too, you have to give all your love and all your good thoughts to the world because they will come back in a multiplied form when you least expect it and when you need it the most. On the other hand, people tend to appreciate you and to want to give you their love or their care when you give them the least of you, that's way giving the most of you to someone is so hard but in the end it's really worth it. So I keep giving my best to people that maybe don't really deserve it or to people who don't understand it and appreciate as much as I would like them to even though sometimes it hurts. Sure I get mad at times like we all do, I get sad, I sometimes feel the need to be loved and that's when all the love I put in the Universe comes back to me in different forms, in simple things like a good movie or a good book or an unexpected friend or a piece of helpful advice from someone I never asked. Loving and being loved is the simplest thing in the world and it should come naturally to all of us.
So, dear reader, cause I hope I have at least one occasional reader I want you to know that whoever you are, with these lines I have given you the best of me and I sincerely wish you all the love and peace in the world and of course I hope you keep reading me :)

marți, 2 august 2011

Aangel went from being "in a relationship" to being "single" or... Will I ever find the love I dream of? by Aangel

I may be young and stupid but I am not ready yet to give up my whole life for a man whom I don't really know if it's worth it... So he realized he doesn't want to sit around and wait for me so we decided to go our separate ways...My problem now is that even though I wanted freedom so badly, it hurts like hell letting him go and move on... I thought I'd feel relieved, I thought it would be easy or at least easier...
The things that happened made me think about me and my feelings and the way I react to different situations and different people and I realized that either he wasn't the one and I didn't love him enough, either I'm scared of commitment and of losing my personality in front of his...
In theory I do want to get married some day, have kids, grow old with somebody and have "my happy ever after" but I guess that deep down inside I'm scared of all that...
So many things went wrong in my life that I'm afraid of letting go and giving into someone cause they might hurt sometimes, in order to not get hurt I am the one that hurts people first but I don't think that this time I did that...
I'm not the kind of person to blame myself... I've lost some of the important people in my life but maybe it was for the best... People change in time, they evolve in different ways, they're common interests change, they get to meet new people, interesting people, they get to find new things they like, new activities they enjoy so some relationships are meant to end at some point.
I can't really say I'm happy now but at least I'm peaceful, I embrace the things that come to me as they come so if I am single now maybe the Universe has something better for me and I'm just gonna sit around and enjoy what happens next.

sâmbătă, 28 mai 2011

Happy Birthday Tudor!

Happy b'day Tudor! May you be blessed with health, wealth, love, joy and peace and may all your wishes come true!

luni, 23 mai 2011

Despre fidelitate....

Despre fidelitate se pot spune multe si poate fi privita din nenumarate perspective dupa cum am aflat dintr-o carte pe care am citit-o de curand - "Cum sa fim fericiti in cuplu" de dr. Gerard Leleu (sexolog si terapeut de cuplu).
Din cartea respectiva am ales cateva fragmente despre iubire si fidelitate care mi-au placut si pe care le-am considerat interesante.

"In fond, singura fidelitate care trebuie recunoscuta este fidelitatea fata de sine insusi, care consta in afirmarea fara concesie a ceea ce suntem in profunzime si in implinirea acelor lucruri pentru care suntem facuti."
"Cea mai mare reusita umana este sa devii, pe plan afectiv, o persoana desavarsita, capabila sa evolueze spre forme mai mature de iubire, sa construiesti adevarata iubire."
"Intr-un cuplu, dificultatile afective nu sunt niciodata cauzate doar de un singur partener. Este o greseala sa-l acuzi pe celalalt ca este cauza propriilor tale nefericiri si a comportamentelor tale; fiecare trebuie sa caute in interiorul lui insusi motivele dificultatilor si reactiilor lui. Partea noastra intunecata, programarile noastre infantile, alegerile noastre etc. genereaza lipsurile, esecurile noastre si ne declanseaza tristetea, temerile, furiile. Cat despre suferinta, fiecare este responsabil de resentimentul sau. Daca ea este atroce la unii si mai tolerabila la altii, totul este in functie de profunzimea faimoasei rani a fiecaruia. A te responsabiliza inseamna sa recunoasti rolul ranii si sa incerci sa te pansezi singur, fara sa astepti pe altcineva sa o faca."
"Sursa de iubire este iubirea de sine si, prin extensiune, iubirea de viata."
"Nu poti iubi cu adevarat pe altcineva daca nu te iubesti pe tine insuti. Nu poti ajunge la iubirea-daruire de sine decat daca ai trecut prin iubirea de sine. In general, iubirea pentru ceilalti, pentru a fi autentica, trebuie sa fie intemeiata pe iubirea de sine."
"Fidelitatea nu poate fi spontana si fericita decat daca este inspirata de o iubire care, dincolo de zbuciumul sentimentelor si al dorintelor, depaseste ego-ul, o iubire conectata la ceva care ne transcede si care da un sens comportamentelor noastre."
"Fidelitatea nu poate fi ceruta din exterior, nici de catre un partener, nici de catre o anumita autoritate religioasa sau civila. Nu poate fi aleasa decat de noi insine si ceruta de noi insine, in raport cu partea noastra divina. Libertatea celuilalt este sacra; el nu este proprietatea noastra. A dori sa-l posedam inseamna a-l considera un obiect, in timp ce el este subiect, in raport aici cu partea lui divina.De noi depinde sa-i acordam libertatii sale libertatea noastra. Oricum, posesiunea este contrariul unei relatii adevarate."

Cele de mai sus rezoneaza foarte bine cu mine, cu personalitatea mea insa, fiind diferiti, fiecare fiinta umana are propriile pareri, perceptii si trairi. Ceea ce consider eu ca m-a invatat aceasta carte si ceea ce simt eu ca este important este ca pentru a putea iubi pe altcineva trebuie mai intai sa ne iubim pe noi insine, pentru a putea primi iubire trebuie sa darium la rand noastru o iubire neconditionata si autentica si cel mai important, pentru a avea o relatie fericita si sincera este absolut necesar sa ramanem fideli propriei noastre persoane, dorintelor noastre si sentimentelor noastre pentru a putea fi fideli si in celelalte aspecte ale vietii.
Intotdeauna ramai cine esti, nu iti nega sentimentele si dorintele si nu te contopi in personalitatea altcuiva, nu devenii o persoana dependenta de altcineva din punct de vedere emotional si intotdeauna aminteste-ti ca iubirea este ceva divin, iubirea pe care o simti reprezinta divinul din tine asa ca ai grija de ea, fa-o sa creasca in fiecare zi pentru a atinge stare de fericire si iluminare.